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Monday, June 8, 2015

"4" Incredible Survival Uses for Empty Tic-Tac Containers

Read this before you throw out empty containers of tic -tacs.
These small, plastic containers actually have unique survival/camping uses.

Here are just a few.
You can use the containers for:

 - Storing spices: Don't take your entire spice rack. Simply load empty tic-tac containers
with your favorites spices and you'll be able to save tons of room.
 - Storing matches: Regular matchboxes can get soggy and fall apart. Store matches in
the containers and glue some sandpaper on the side and you're set.
 - Storing firestarters: Another unique use. Rub vaseline on cotton balls and store them
in the tic-tac container so you always have a quick way to start a fire.
 - Storing seeds: If you want to plant a garden, a tic-tac container will do a better job
of storing and protecting seeds than the packages they come in. 
And of course that's just a small sampling of uses.
Worried about the containers breaking?
Wrap them in some kind of tape to improve their strength. 
Clear packing tape works well.
Then just throw them in your camping kit or bug out bag and you're set to go. 

Pretty cool, huh?

What else can you think to use them for?

Prepare Now,
Survive Later!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

You don’t need to be wealthy to prepare for an emergency

Since you’re reading this blog, you probably believe in preparing for an uncertain future. I sure don’t need to talk you into the idea that prepping for a worst-case scenario is a smart idea. You’ve already got that down.
Now, I don’t know if you are just getting started in this preparation business and need lots of tips and tricks, or if you’ve been at it for a long time and already have plenty of food, water and essential non-food items stockpiled in various locations.
So, what I’m going to tell you today will apply to the novice, the experienced and everybody in between.
The subject is, how to prepare on a tight budget. This will help those just starting out, as well as more experienced preppers who have to replenish their stockpiles now and then due to expiration dates. And even if you’re fortunate enough to have plenty of money stashed away, do you really want to pay more than you have to in order to be properly prepared? I don’t think so.
The main point I want to get across here is this. Don’t let a lack of funds keep you from doing the most important thing you can do, which is to make sure that you and your family can survive an emergency without heading off to a FEMA center. Once you’ve figured out what the most likely threats are in your area, prepare specifically for them. Start this way:
• Determine by yourself, or discuss with your spouse, how much money you can designate each month to acquire the necessities for your stockpile. Don’t be discouraged if it’s only a small amount of cash. It’ll add up over time.
• Make a priority list of what you should stockpile. At the top of your list should be drinking water, nutritious food with a long shelf life and crucial non-food items such as flashlights, batteries, crank-operated radio, etc. Proper storage is also essential.
• Spend time trying to get the highest value for your dollar. Shop around, but don’t sacrifice quality. I’d rather have one pouch of good-tasting, nutritious, long-lasting food than three pouches of garbage.
• Start small and build. You might be able to start filling your emergency storage bins with items you already have in your food pantry. Start with that can of pinto beans that doesn’t expire for several years. You might not have an appetite for it now, but you’ll be amazed at how good they taste when you’re hungry. Before long, you’ll have a nice, three-day supply of necessities gathered.
• Include barter items in your supply. Once you have the most important items stockpiled (food, water, non-food items), consider adding a few items that you might not necessarily use, but would be able to trade in a post-collapse society, such as coffee, diapers, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
Do you have any strategies for prepping on a budget that you’d like to share? I’m sure readers would love to hear about them.